Sometimes, I test my tolerance of being so hot. Just because. And I have proven that I can stay under the heat of the sun for hours. I am talking about playing football. Hours of practicing in painstaking heat with only 15minutes water break. But it's been a long while that I haven't played and I miss it - totally! Anyway, how loud can you turn up Lady Gaga or Owl City songs in your ipod until you get the earphones realizing it's too loud? Is it ever really distracting? I guess. Only people can tell me I had them on very loud that they can hear the music a meter away. hah. Guess that was too loud.
If there is a very loud music. Is there ever one person who tone down the volume or turns it off? Is there ever a smile too vibrant? A laugh too joyful? A puppy too adorable? What makes something hurtful? - I guess I can answer that one. What if I were to create a wall of shielding pain and open to love? Wouldn't that be interesting. Not even thinking about the qualities I wanted - just someone jogged in and introduce love to me? hmm...
Now, what makes some accents irritating, and some addicting? What makes gestures contagious or yawns? god, I have so many questions. And I just feel like asking them all today! Everything in random, non-relevant. What predicts one's mood of the day? What makes one misses another? How can someone be sure that he chosen the right one for him? How can you tell if those tears are happy or sad if she says she's ok even though she's not? Can we stop time even for a millisecond? How can one love someone in a week and say yes in an hour??? geezz. People, we are detailed - very. Realizing them today is not acceptable! hah. I don't know, I think in this world there are more immature people than mature ones. As one friend of mine said in her blog "Our lives and personalities are an intricate outline some written in cursive, some in Times New Roman." Let's figure out ourselves and figure out each other. Why not? What's a breath without a step. I feel like stepping. I feel like jumping. I feel like living.

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