It's been a long long while.
Last month I've read in a news paper an interview of several high honored graduate students from elite universities in the Philippines. And there was only one student that I caught my thoughts with, if not to be mistaken he's from Ateneo: "What is waiting for you in the outside world?" with a simple answer he said, "Opportunities - to strive, to fail, to succeed, to love and to live."
Here we are in the land of opportunity, well equipped with young hearts and minds. With every new day the future gets closer, not that it gets any clearer. In the past few weeks after I passed my licensure exam, I'm finding myself in the midst of many conversation regarding the mystery of the future. I got to say, the difficulties of finding jobs, and therefore the frustration creating lack of creativity could possible get you down.
To Strive...
I lived my whole life striving to come out the best, but it wasn't easy, and I know I am not the best. But I can be the best. *wink* I've been there when life kicks out butt. I would be naive to think the butt kicking is almost over. As long as I'm residing on this planet - the earth, my booty will be kicked by people I knew or scheduled to meet, emotions, opportunities etc and yes, I'll have to pick back myself up and kick back. So strive not to be the best, but to strive out the best in you.
To Fail...
Most of us associate the word failure with negative thoughts and feelings. Nobody like to work hard at something and feel like a quitter. BUT, there are times in life when failure is the best option. For me, I realized this when I failed my licensure exam, and hated the feeling of bitter...bitter-er! But I know myself that I'm not the type of person to give up easily and I'm not a quitter. I came to a point where accepting failure of something that's causing us pain, is the best and healthiest option, because I've learned to move on and pick myself up back to start again.
To Succeed...
Entitlement? For some it's a matter of deserving of some reward or benefits... a high position? For me I am entitled as an Engineer. But passing the board exam is just one of the success, there are more exams in life to be done, no matter how much you've done or how successful you've been, there's always more to do, always more to learn, and always more to achieve. I know our world is fast paced, and all about instant gratification, but the best things in this world took tears and sweat. You appreciate it more in the end this way.
To Love...
There's a time and day for every emotion of the rainbow. One is love, the mutual weirdness I'd like to call. Love the feeling of love once love knocks on your door. It's not everyday, it's once in every million heartbeat. Enough said. :]
To Live...
The world will keep twirling if and when you get overwhelmed, so do yourself a favor, and pick yourself up. Feel what you must feel, learn the lessons you will encounter, if you fail stand up and start over and most importantly, GROW. Reality might not give you a hug, but I will - LIFE.
Opportunity is all around you. I'm learning and relearning these lessons everyday and forever on. Embrace each day! God is with you all the way.